Elementary School Summer Camps
Combining theatre education and outdoor fun, theatre professionals will guide campers through singing, acting, dancing, and lots of fun games. This camp is perfect for kids already excited about performing or ready to dip their toes into musical theatre for the first time.
Atlanta, GA
Grades: K-5
June 27 - July 1 OR July 18 - 22
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm (Aftercare available)
Price: $350
Presented in Partnership with Pace Academy
To register, you must create an account and select “Destination Broadway.”
Lansing, MI
Ages: 8-12
Dates: June 13 - 17
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Price: $200
Presented in Partnership with Midway Theater Company
You will be redirected to Midway Theater’s website to complete your registration.
Grand Rapids, MI
Ages: 8-12
Dates: June 20 - 24
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Price: $200
Presented in Partnership with Midway Theater Company
You will be redirected to Midway Theater’s website to complete your registration.
Middle and High School Summer Camps
Join the team of Destination Theatre and the cast of the hit show "How I Became a Pirate" for this week-long theatre training camp. In Destination Broadway students can expect to hone their skills in acting, singing, dancing, and more. Students will rotate through each subject daily, work with industry professionals, strengthen their tools for performing and auditioning, and most importantly gain an understanding of the power of theatre. We believe after a week of theatre camps, kids will walk away with new-found confidence, personal and theatrical breakthroughs, and meaningful relationships.
Atlanta, GA
Grades: 6-12
Dates: June 27 - July 1 OR July 18 - 22
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm (Aftercare available)
Price: $385
Presented in Partnership with Pace Academy
To register, you must create an account and select “Destination Broadway.”
Lansing, MI
Ages: 13-18
Dates: June 13 - 17
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Price: $200
Presented in Partnership with Midway Theater Company
You will be redirected to Midway Theater’s website to complete your registration.
Grand Rapids, MI
Ages: 8-12
Dates: June 20 - 24
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Price: $200
Presented in Partnership with Midway Theater Company
You will be redirected to Midway Theater’s website to complete your registration.
We are looking forward to having your camper join us for a week of learning, excitement, and fun. We believe theatre camps are a great way for students to expand their skill set or discover a new passion, under the guidance of experienced and engaging teachers.
Learn about the exciting programs we are offering in these pages. Please feel free to contact us with questions. We can’t wait to spend a week with your student this summer!
Amy Duffy