All Abilities Programs

We customize theatre curriculum to best fit each students needs regardless of ability, age, experience, or where they are in life.

This production of

GREASE (School Edition)

Performers include the adults clients at Boley Centers and the professional artists from Destination Theatre.


Seat reservations are by donation only.


Destination Theatre is a proud partner of Boley Centers. With Boley’s staff and leadership, we have spearheaded the development of the Boley Centers on Broadway program, an adaptive theatre and therapy experience where Boley’s adult clients mount a fully realized musical alongside the professional artists from Destination Theatre; all the while working to meet their treatment goals. You won't want to miss this heartwarming crew of artists in their next performance.

Support Boley Centers on Broadway!

Enjoy this documentary of our partnership with Boley Centers on our most recent project - Legally Blonde, JR!